In 5th & 6th Class at Mol an Óige CNS, history and geography as well as science become special main lesson subjects.
History brings the child to him/ herself in the study of mankind’s deeds and strivings. Geography brings the child into the world leading them away from themselves, out into ever wider spaces.
Main lessons themes include studying ancient civilisations such as Egypt and Greece or Rome.
Building on years of form drawing, we will introduce geometry. Fractions and decimals continue to be the chief concern of maths.
In hand work children are completing cross-stitch and some will begin to work on knitting socks in the round. Focusing on the feet is very grounding for children at this age.
As a rite of passage in Mol an Óige, 5th class look forward to attending the Greek Olympics and 6th Class to surfing. Also in the Summer term, the students begin building their own stools, a traditional Irish súgán stool. The wooden frame, most commonly made from ash or larch, is joined with mortice and tendon joints and held together with a sturdy woven seat of ‘súgán’ (the Irish word for straw or hemp rope).
As your child moves through the school, their work develops and takes on an increasingly academic character. The children learn a wide array of skills. Main lesson blocks in these classes include: Farming; Old Testament stories; Homes & Shelter; Norse Myths; Fractions & Measurement; Local history and geography; Zoology (Man & Animal); form Drawing; Handwork (Crochet & Cross stitch); Tin Whistle (3rd); Beanbag exercises – rhythm & movement in circle.
Junior Infants is where the foundations for the primary education are laid. This year seeks to create a bridge for the children to cross from home into school. The room is simply decorated with educational toys, a nature table, a kitchen and crafts made by the children themselves. The day follows a rhythm and routine that is wholesome and nurturing for the young child. Poems, songs, stories and rhymes develop the ear and spoken word for the child.